Significent CIC

Significent CIC is a Not for Profit social enterprise that supports post 25 year old academic underachievers achieve their ambitions and obtain work suited to their capabilities, rather than their academic record.

Through the provision of meaningful and fulfilling work that is aligned to a person’s capability we aim to reverse the devastating effects to the individual and society that can often result from a failed education.

By using IQ and career profiling assessments we are able to asses each candidates’ true potential and by working with our partner organisations we provide alignment with roles in line to their potential and irrespective to their level of educational qualification.

Through our unique approach we are able to help candidates achieve roles that would ordinarily be out of their reach and help to save a life of wasted potential. Our partner organisations gain access to this previously untapped talent pool, obtain gains in workforce diversity and help to reduce the socially damaging effects of wasted potential.

The needs of adult learners are different to those of younger cohorts, many adult learners will have working and financial obligations and dependents to consider and so will have a range of support needs that we feel are not commonly appreciated or currently catered for.