Adult Learner Support

Let's make no bones about it, going back into education as an adult can be daunting and difficult.  But it's not impossible, people do it and so can you.  

Our view is that everyone is capable of adult education, the issue is less your ability and more the support you have, specifically support that understands what you are going through when trying to run a home, hold down a job or return to an educational setting sometimes decades after last being in one.

We are subject agnostic, we do not cross boundaries with your teaching establishment, we are simply here for practical advice and support on how to flourish as an adult learner, this could cover matters such as;

 - balancing home, work and study
 - money worries
 - practicalities of returning to study as an adult
 - concerns about ability and self confidence
 - family time and social interaction

Once enrolled onto the support service one of our advisers will discuss you aims, aspirations and concerns with you in order to gain an understanding of your drivers and concerns.   

The key difference in our service is that all of our advisors have successfully completed a course of education as an adult, as such they all have the critical lived experience that enables us to completely understand your issues and concerns.