
Lee left school as an abject academic failure and has spent the last 40 years living with the consequences of that situation.  His first 12 years of post-school life were riven with the frustration and dissatisfaction of limited career and life choices.

A stint in the armed forces provided Lee the opportunity obtain GCSE and O Level qualifications and in 1994 having successfully met the entrance criteria became a member of Mensa.  

Mensa membership proved to be a seminal point in Lee's journey and gave him the spark to reverse his previous academic failings and shortly afterwards embarked upon a series of professional, graduate and post graduate qualifications.

Lee's journey was a significant driver to the formation of Significent CIC as he realised that many tens of thousands of people are in the same position he was and is determined to help as many as possible break free from the chains of educational underachievement.


Katie was the first generation of her family to go to university, coming from a lower socio economic family group she was conscious that her background was at odds with many of her contemporaries at University, and friends at home.

Refusing to be deterred by her situation Katie developed a sense of self determination to not be outfaced by these conflicting opinions of her attending university, and after a jittery start successfully graduated from Cardiff University.