Industry's Problem

A report issued by the children’s commissioner informs that 18% of school leavers left compulsory education without meeting level 2 attainment (5 x GCSE Grade 9 thru 4 ( A thru C)).   This is an annual figure of c100,000 adults who have failed to meet the government’s stated minimum qualifications benchmark. 

Conversely a report issued by Prospect Luminate indicates that UK employers have 309,000 vacancies across 169 industry sectors, and of these 106,000 were considered hard to fill.  It's not hard to see the benefits to the UK economy and the 'person' if this academic underachievement could be reversed.  

Academic underachievement is a blight on the UK's educational system and many times we feel it is not due to lack of ability, but more related to social strata, perceptions of 'worth',  life circumstances and peer pressure.

Reversing academic underachievement is why Significent CIC was created, we believe everyone has the ability to be a bigger and better version of themselves, and to this end we are determined that we will support any learner who wants to reignite their learning journey.