The Process

These 3 steps have been formulated by our co-founder Lee as they mirror the steps that enabled him to regain his sense of self and led to his being able to recover his educational failings.  

Step 1: IQ Test.

Don't worry, you absolutely cannot, fail an IQ test. It's not a pass/fail thing, it's a measure that's all and certainly not something that anyone should be concerned about taking.

Significent CIC works with the International High IQ Society ( for it's IQ test, the reason for this is the competitive cost its provides for the test and the fact that it uses a Culture Fair test format that has no reliance on knowledge or cultural bias. 

Mensa Uk also offer a free 'curious about your IQ test' and whilst this won't make you eligible for membership it may be enough for you to gain enough of an understanding about yourself.

The only thing we could add to the above is that regardless of score on these tests, academic recovery is achievable by anyone, your level may be different from your neighbours but this isn't a competition, it's a journey to become the best version of yourself; keep this in mind.

Step 2: Interests, values and aspirations.

Tests for career and interest profiling can be a nightmare, seemingly everyone has the solution.  Significent CIC prefers a more varied approach that utilises more than one test.  The following tests all offer what we feel are reliable results and many offer a report that can be used for career or CV purposes.

We would urge everyone to compile a Naturally Talented Me (NTM)  profile once you have completed some or all of the above tests, Significent CIC works closely with NTM as we feel their profile tool provides a game changing approach to career opportunity.

Step 3: Roadmap.  

The culmination of the previous steps, using the output from the above two steps is where you can work out what your key strengths and values are, and using this information you can begin to create your target career or industry sector.  

Once you have this nailed then you are in a position to understand what the educational or qualification criteria is that you need to achieve to secure a position in your chosen career, and this is half the battle won.